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裘文慧,2016年7月获得上海大学环境工程专业博士学位。博士期间获得国家留学基金委支持,在University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)的David Geffen医学院进行博士联合培养。共发表SCI检索论文50余篇,其中第一作者/通讯作者SCI论文30篇(近五年28篇,第一作者23篇),包括4篇Environ. Sci. Technol.,1篇Environ. Int.,5篇J. Hazard. Mater.,1篇Environ. Pollut.,1篇Endocrinology和 1篇 Aquat. Toxicol.。截止2021年3月,论文总引次数1208次(近5年引用1145次,Google citations),单篇最高引139次,H指数为18,ESI高被引论文3篇,封面论文2篇,Editor's Choice 文章1篇。近五年主持国家级、省市级各类科研项目5项,包括国家自然科学基金青年基金1项(结题)、国家自然科学基金面上项目1项(在研)、国家重点研发计划子课题1项、深圳市基础研究计划自由探索项目1项、深圳市基础研究计划面上1项。先后获环境保护科学技术奖二等奖(排名第3/总人数9)和广东省环境保护科学技术奖二等奖(排名第3/总人数7)。共获授权专利10余项,其中发明专利3项。现任环境领域知名期刊Environ. Geochem. Health副编辑,Sci. Total Environ.编委,Frontier in water 编委。长期担任包括Environ. Sci. Technol.等多个生态毒理学领域主流SCI期刊的审稿人,在美国AGU大会、中国环境毒性学会等国内国际学术会议做学术报告5次。






2014-2015:博士(环境工程),University of California, Los Angeles(UCLA)



2018.02至今:南方科技大学环境科学与工程学院 研究助理教授

2016.12-2018.02:南方科技大学环境科学与工程学院 科研工程师






2016-至今:环境领域杂志Chemosphere 和 Environmental Science and Pollution Research的审稿人。








1.        Gao, C., He, H., Qiu, W. *, Zheng, Y., Chen, Y., Hu, S., Zhao, X., Oxidative Stress, Endocrine Disturbance, and Immune Interference in Humans Showed Relationships to Serum Bisphenol Concentrations in a Dense Industrial Area. Environmental Science & Technology 2021.

2.        Xu, B., Liu, S., Zhou, J. L., Zheng, C., Weifeng, J., Chen, B., Zhang, T., Qiu, W. *, PFAS and Their Substitutes in Groundwater: Occurrence, Transformation and Remediation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 125159.

3.        Qiu, W., Liu, S., Chen, H., Luo, S., Xiong, Y., Wang, X., Xu, B., Zheng, C., Wang, K.-J., The comparative toxicities of BPA, BPB, BPS, BPF, and BPAF on the reproductive neuroendocrine system of zebrafish embryos and its mechanisms. Journal of hazardous materials 2020, 124303-124303.

4.        Li, R., Liu, S., Qiu, W.*, Yang, F., Zheng, Y., Xiong, Y., Li, G., Zheng, C., Transcriptomic analysis of bisphenol AF on early growth and development of zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology 2020, 4, 100054.

5.        Qiu, W., Fang, M., Magnuson, J., Greer, J., Chen, Q., Zheng, Y., Xiong, Y., Luo, S., Zheng, C., Schlenk, D. Maternal exposure to environmental antibiotic mixture during gravid period predicts gastrointestinal effects in zebrafish offspring. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2020,  399, 123009.

6.        Zhao, T., Zheng, M., Fu, C., Li, G., Xiong, Y., Qiu, W.*, Zhang, T., Zhang, J., Zheng, C., Effect of low-level H2O2 and Fe(II) on the UV treatment of tetracycline antibiotics and the toxicity of reaction solutions to zebrafish embryos. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 394, 125021.

7.        Qiu, W., Liu, X., Yang, F., Li, R., Xiong, Y., Fu, C., Li, G., Liu, S., Zheng, C., Single and joint toxic effects of four antibiotics on some metabolic pathways of zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae. Science of The Total Environment 2020, 716, 137062.

8.        Qiu, W., Hu, J., Magnuson, J. T., Greer, J., Yang, M., Chen, Q., Fang, M., Zheng, C., Schlenk, D., Evidence linking exposure of fish primary macrophages to antibiotics activates the NF-kB pathway. Environment International 2020, 138, 105624.

9.        Liu, J., Wei, T., Wu, X., Zhong, H., Qiu, W.*, Zheng, Y., Early exposure to environmental levels of sulfamethoxazole triggers immune and inflammatory response of healthy zebrafish larvae. Science of the Total Environment 2020, 703.

10.    Qiu, W., Chen, B., Greer, J. B., Magnuson, J. T., Xiong, Y., Zhong, H., Andrzejczyk, N. E., Zheng, C., Schlenk, D., Transcriptomic Responses of Bisphenol S Predict Involvement of Immune Function in the Cardiotoxicity of Early Life-Stage Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Environmental science & technology 2020, 54, (5), 2869-2877.

11.    Zhang, T., Cai, L., Xu, B., Li, X., Qiu, W.*, Fu, C., Zheng, C., Sulfadiazine biodegradation by Phanerochaete chrysosporium: Mechanism and degradation product identification. Chemosphere 2019, 237, 9.

12.    Zhao, X., Qiu, W.*, Zheng, Y., Xion, J., Gaao, C., Hu, S., Occurrence, distribution, bioaccumulation, and ecological risk of bisphenol analogues, parabens and their metabolites in the Pearl River Estuary, South China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2019, 180, 43-52.

13.    Qiu, W., Liu, S., Yang, F., Dong, P., Yang, M., Wong, M., Zheng, C., Metabolism disruption analysis of zebrafish larvae in response to BPA and BPA analogs based on RNA-Seq technique. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2019, 174, 181-188.

14.    Qiu, W., Zhan, H., Hu, J., Zhang, T., Xu, H., Wong, M., Xu, B., Zheng, C., The occurrence, potential toxicity, and toxicity mechanism of bisphenol S, a substitute of bisphenol A: A critical review of recent progress. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2019, 173, 192-202.

15.    Qiu, W., Fang, M., Liu, J., Fu, C., Zheng, C., Chen, B., Wang, K.-J., In vivo actions of Bisphenol F on the reproductive neuroendocrine system after long-term exposure in zebrafish. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 665, 995-1002.

16.    Qiu, W., Yang, M., Liu, J., Xu, H., Luo, S., Wong, M., Zheng, C., Bisphenol S-induced chronic inflammatory stress in liver via peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma using fish in vivo and in vitro models. Environmental Pollution 2019, 246, 963-971.

17.    Qiu, W., Sun, J., Fang, M., Luo, S., Tian, Y., Dong, P., Xu, B., Zheng, C., Occurrence of antibiotics in the main rivers of Shenzhen, China: Association with antibiotic resistance genes and microbial community. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 653, 334-341.

18.    Qiu, W., Zheng, M., Sun, J., Tian, Y., Fang, M., Zheng, Y., Zhang, T., Zheng, C., Photolysis of enrofloxacin, pefloxacin and sulfaquinoxaline in aqueous solution by UV/H2O2, UV/Fe(II), and UV/H2O2/Fe(II) and the toxicity of the final reaction solutions on zebrafish embryos. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 651, 1457-1468.

19.    Yang, F., Qiu, W.*, Li, R., Hu, J., Luo, S., Zhang, T., He, X., Zheng, C., Genome-wide identification of the interactions between key genes and pathways provide new insights into the toxicity of bisphenol F and S during early development in zebrafish. Chemosphere 2018, 213, 559-567.

20.    Qiu, W., Zhan, H., Tian, Y. Q., Zhang, T., He, X., Luo, S., Xu, H., Zheng, C. M., The in vivo action of chronic bisphenol F showing potential immune disturbance in juvenile common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Chemosphere 2018, 205, 506-513.

21.    Qiu, W., Shao, H., Lei, P., Zheng, C., Qiu, C. , Yang, M., Zheng, Y., Immunotoxicity of bisphenol S and F are similar to that of bisphenol A during zebrafish early development. Chemosphere 2018, 194, 1-8.

22.    Qiu, W., Yang, M., Liu, S., Lei, P., Hu, L., Chen, B., Wu, M., Wang, K., Toxic Effects of Bisphenol S Showing Immunomodulation in Fish Macrophages. Environmental Science & Technology 2018, 52, (2), 831-838.

23.    Qiu, W., Wu, M., Liu, S., Chen, B., Pan, C., Yang, M., Wang, K., Suppressive immunoregulatory effects of three antidepressants via inhibition of the nuclear factor-kappa B activation assessed using primary macrophages of carp (Cyprinus carpio). Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 2017, 322, 1-8.

24.    Qiu, W., Chen, J., Li, Y., Chen, Z., Jiang, L., Yang, M., Wu, M., Oxidative stress and immune disturbance after long-term exposure to bisphenol A in juvenile common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2016, 130, 93-102.

25.    Qiu, W., Shen, Y., Pan, C., Liu, S., Wu, M., Yang, M., Wang, K., The potential immune modulatory effect of chronic bisphenol A exposure on gene regulation in male medaka (Oryzias latipes) liver. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2016, 130, 146-154.

26.    Sheng, J., Qiu, W.*, Xu, B., Xu, H., Tang, C., Monitoring of heavy metal levels in the major rivers and in residents' blood in Zhenjiang City, China, and assessment of heavy metal elimination via urine and sweat in humans. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2016, 23, (11), 11034-11045.

27.    Qiu, W., Zhao, Y., Yang, M., Farajzadeh, M., Pan, C., Wayne, N. L., Actions of Bisphenol A and Bisphenol S on the Reproductive Neuroendocrine System During Early Development in Zebrafish. Endocrinology 2016, 157, (2), 636-647.

28.    Qiu, W., Liu, S., Chen, J., Hu, L., Wu, M., Yang, M., The primary culture of carp (Cyprinus carpio) macrophages and the verification of its phagocytosis activity. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Animal 2016, 52, (1), 10-19.

29.    Yang, M., Qiu, W., Chen, B., Chen, J., Liu, S., Wu, M., Wang, K., The In Vitro Immune Modulatory Effect of Bisphenol A on Fish Macrophages via Estrogen Receptor a and Nuclear Factor-kappa B Signaling. Environmental Science & Technology 2015, 49, (3), 1888-1895.(共一)

30.    Yang, M., Qiu, W., Chen, J., Zhan, J., Pan, C., Lei, X., Wu, M., Growth inhibition and coordinated physiological regulation of zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos upon sublethal exposure to antidepressant amitriptyline. Aquatic Toxicology 2014, 151, 68-76. (共一)